Recover Hacked WordPress Website -Step by Step

A sad reality about running websites is that sometimes they might get hacked. Having our Word Press site hacked some of the times within the past, we all know exactly how stressful it is often. To not mention the impact it’s on your business and readership. Over the past few years, we’ve helped many users recover their hacked Word Press sites including several well-known businesses. During this article, we’ll share a step by step guide to fixing your hacked Word Press site.

Few Things to Understand Before We Start:

First and foremost, regardless of which platform you’re using, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc any site is often hacked! When your WordPress site is hacked, you’ll lose your program rankings, expose your readers to viruses, have your reputation tarnished thanks to redirects to porn or other bad neighbourhood websites, and worst lose your entire site data. If your website may be a business, then security should be one of your top priorities. That’s why it’s crucial that you simply have an honest WordPress hosting company. If you’ll afford it, then absolutely use managed WordPress hosting. Make sure that you simply always have an honest WordPress backup solution like BackupBuddy in place.

Last but probably the foremost important, have a strong web application firewall like Sucuri. We use their services on our websites. All the above information is great if you haven’t been hacked yet, but the likelihood is that if you’re reading this text, then it’s probably too late to feature a number of the precautions that we mentioned above. So before you are doing anything attempt to remain as calm as you’ll. Let’s take a glance at the step by step guide the way to fix your hacked WordPress site.

Why WordPress Website is Hacked Successfully?

There is much various reason and each case isn’t the same but there is some common mistake. If you’ll avoid these mistakes your website is going to be safer and safe. Here may be a list of the many possible reasons why a site is hacked.

Outdated WordPress version:

This one may be a big problem since W3Techs found that over 15.8% of WordPress sites aren’t up-to-date (Using WordPress version 3 or older), meaning recent security patches won’t mean a thing for these folks and their sites are hospitable attack.

In many cases, people got hacked because a site, hosted on VPS or shared host wasn’t regularly updated. 

Outdated WordPress version is often really dangerous, Always delete outdated, test website or update to the latest version, otherwise, it can find yourself affecting your several other sites on your server. The hacker can easily use the compromised site to realize entry into a few of your other sites, hosted on an equivalent server.

Outdated or malicious plugins and themes:

Always keep in mind that hackers will often target widely installed plugins or themes with known security vulnerabilities. In most cases, your WordPress website won’t be targeted specifically, but are going to be hacked due to some vulnerability during a plugin or theme installed on your site. 

The top security vulnerability has been with WordPress plugins and custom scripts.

Weak user names and Passwords:

Never use admin as your default user name and weak password. WordPress Brute Force attacks are often very successful when people use passwords like ‘123456’ and usernames like ‘admin’.

Local environment (Laptops or Desktop):

The first place you ought to start with is your local environment. In many cases, the source of the attack/infection begins on your local computer. Ensure you run a full anti-virus and malware scan on your local computer.

How to Make Your Website Secure:

Recover Hacked WordPress

  1. Ensure your local environment is safe
  2. Buy your site with a trusted hosting provide
  3. Always use the latest WordPress version
  4. Always update plugins and theme
  5. Download themes plugins from trusted developers
  6. Install a security plugin: it can assist you to quickly detect the exploit
  7. limit login attempts: Prevent Brute Force attacks
  8. Install a backup plugin
  9. Use strong Passwords for WordPress, hosting control panel etc.
  10. Never use “Admin” as a WordPress user name

How to Recover Hacked WordPress Website:

If your WordPress website has been hacked. You should follow these steps to recover the hacked WordPress website.

Scan your local machine: Don’t panic, you would like to remain calm. Because a transparent, focused mind is the key to efficiently responding to any security breach. It’s really important. Ensure you run a full anti-virus/malware scan on your local machine. 

Change all passwords: this is often a requirement. Change all Server instrument panel, Hosting account centre, SSH, FTP, database usernames and passwords. 

Investigate Upon discovering that one among your sites is hacked, take a couple of moments and check the other site that you simply may have, especially if they’re on an equivalent server. If one site is hacked, other sites on an equivalent server are likely hacked also.

Backup If you’ve got a copy of your website, it’s great. Because you’ll quickly fix the problems. Otherwise, create a copy of your website. Even though you’ve got been hacked, there might be valuable information on your website that you simply may have to recover later. Keep in mind that a lot of hosting providers may pack up or maybe delete your site immediately after checking out your site has been compromised, especially on shared hosting plans. Contact your hosting provider as they’ll have detected malware, viruses or similar issues together with your site then blocked it to guard others on the server.

Always keep in mind that a lot of hosting providers may pack up or maybe delete your site immediately after checking out your site has been compromised, especially on shared hosting plans. Contact your hosting provider as they’ll have detected malware, viruses or similar issues together with your site then blocked it to guard others on the server. 

Scan Your Files If you’ve got a copy, use this clean copy to revive your website. Otherwise backup your compromised site. Once you’ve got protected your entire compromised site, you’re able to scan your website.

WordPress Security Plugins:

If you’ll access your website, Log into Your WordPress Admin Panel, install a security plug to scan all files. 

  • Sucuri Security may be a free Auditing, Malware Scanner and Security Hardening plugin
  • Anti-Malware Security and Brute-Force Firewall is another free popular plugin.
  • Exploit Scanner: Search the files and database of your WordPress install for signs which will indicate that it’s fallen victim to malicious hackers.

Find and take away the hack: If you can’t access your website, your host has deleted all files, use your copy files. Check all WordPress files and delete the known suspected files, make an inventory of all suspected files. See if there are any .exe files and delete them.

Compare hacked files against known clean backups: there are various sorts of symptoms and that they affect your website and its visitors. For example, malicious redirects can often be found in files like .htaccess, and index.php at the basis of your website. While others will specialize in the wp-content/themes directory targeting index.php, header.php, footer.php and functions.php.

Clean up WordPress:

Once you discover what the code is and what it’s doing, now it’s time to get rid of it from your site. If you’ve got a clean copy of your website it’s easy to revive your website. Once you’ve secured your website, use your most up-to-date backup. 

If you restore from a known clean backup of your WordPress Database and re-upload your protected WordPress plugin and theme files through FTP or SFTP, which will make sure that all those bits are clean of malicious code are gone.


I hope now you know how you can make your website more secure and how to recover a hacked WordPress site. Here are 2 good resources.

If you follow this step you can Recover Hacked WordPress website properly.