How to Start a WordPress Website with HostGator 2019

Are you looking to start your WordPress website but don’t know how to and where to start. In this article, I will show how to start a WordPress website with HostGator in a few steps. It is very easy and you can make it yourself, even if you are a very beginner, no developer cost needed. In this article, I will use HostGator for the hosting service.

HostGator is one of the popular web hosting providers. They are running the business since 2002. It is very trusted and renowned. You choose your first hosting from HostGator. Their advanced security will protect your website from hacking and malware attacks.

Let’s start, the article,

Step 1: Domain registration

A domain name is a name that represents your business name and people find you online. That is why you should register a simple, shorter, and memorable domain name. But unfortunately, the maximum short domain is already registered, so, it is tough to find a perfect domain name in 2019.

So, if you think the website name, but it is not available to register, just add some prefix or suffix to the domain name, and hopefully you will find some good domain. You can search domain in HostGator website, they have a tool to search domain name. Just type the name in the search box and hit the search button.

How to Start a WordPress Website with HostGator 2019

I am searching for a test domain called, let’s see what happen. The result is the domain name is not available to register, because it is already registered by someone.

Domain not found

So, you have to add some prefix or suffix for the domain or have to change the keyword. Let’s add a prefix best, so the new domain name is, Congratulations, Your Domain Is Available! That means you can register this domain.

Domain found

Now you need to purchase the domain name, it is very simple steps, Just click the Continue To Checkout button from the right sidebar.

Checkout button

It will open a new page, to log in, if you already have an account in HostGator, or just create a new account using an email address.

Reg form 1

Now click the Continue button and it will open another form for the adding billing information like bellow-

Reg Form 2 payment method WordPress Website with HostGator

Fill up all the information and select your payment method, you can pay using PayPal or your Credit Card. Now click the Continue to Checkout button.  It will open the order review page

reg 3 t&c

Now by check the terms and conditions and privacy policy box and click the Place Your Order button, It will take you the PayPal checkout page, as I select PayPal for my payment method.  Log in to PayPal to pay the money. That’s it. Congratulations! Domain purchase is done.

Step 2: Choosing a hosting plan

So, you have purchased the domain, now you need to host the domain in a server. Very beginning of the article I told, Our topics is how to start a WordPress website with HostGator so, I will use HostGator for this website hosting, let’s start choosing a good hosting plan.

HostGator has several hosting plans. You can choose one of them. If your budget is low, then you can purchase a shared hosting plan. This is starting at $2.75 per month. Check the screenshot of their shared hosting plan.

WordPress Website with HostGator

It is very important to choose the correct hosting plan. But don’t worry, there is a way to upgrade in the future. But in the HostGator, the popular plan is Baby plan, because you can host multiple websites in that plan. So, let’s purchase the plan.

I am selecting Baby Plan, Just click the big buy now button. It will open a new page, they are offering a free domain for 1 year hosting registration. If you didn’t purchase the domain before you can take the offer. Or if you already have the domain name, just go to the next tab, I already own domain and then enter your domain, this is the primary domain for your hosting plan.

Hosting reg Form

Just enter all the required information and check the terms and conditions and privacy policy box and then click the Checkout Now button.


That’s you. You have done the hosting purchase.

Step 3: Install WordPress

Great, now you have your own domain and hosting. Not it’s time to set up your website using WordPress. WordPress is one of the most secure and easy to manage. You do not need enough technical knowledge to manage a WordPress website.

In the HostGator, you can install WordPress in a few minutes. Just login to your hosting Cpanel. It should look like my screenshot and then click the Hosting link from the left panel.

admin panel

Here all the list of your purchased hosting package. Now click the Cpanel link.

admin 2

It will open your Cpanel details page.

admin 3

Now click the Build a New WordPress Site. It will open the WordPress installation page, just enter the required information

wp 1

Select Domain from the list and add the installation path, or keep blank if you want to install in the root domain. I am installing it in a test folder. That is why I enter the folder name test. Then, our WordPress website address will be http://yourdomain/test. Now click the next button, it will open the WordPress site information page.

wp 2 - WordPress Website with HostGator

Enter all the information and check the terms and condition box and then click the install button. It will take a few seconds and after complete the installation, it will display the success message.

wp install done - WordPress Website with HostGator

Now click the login button, it will open our WordPress admin login page.

wp login - WordPress Website with HostGator

Finally, we are done on the first website. But it needs some more work, like have to install a nice Theme, some extra plugin and mostly have to secure your website, you can read another article How to Secure your WordPress Website.

Hopefully, you will like my article How to Start a WordPress Website with HostGator. If you like, please share the article.


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